1. Do you apologize to your kids?NEVER! Okay that's a total lie. I feel like I'm constantly apologizing to my kids. Like when I accidentally bonk Bobo's head on the door frame as we're walking out the back door or when I accidentally slam HDogs tiny fingers in the bathroom drawer. I even apologize when we don't have juice in the house when secretly - I'm freaking glad that daddy hasn't brought home more "juice" from the store. (side note - Hi-C does not equal juice, but Chad doesn't seem to get that.)
Last week I actually yelled at the boys to stop yelling. I was apologizing and begging for forgiveness before the original words were even completely out of my mouth. And then I cried. Mom fail.
2. What color are your nails right now?Finger nails - Nude a la Mother Nature
Toe nails - Some horribly dark purple from OPI that I threw on last week. I had a great pedi complete with "Big Hair, Big Nails" from OPIs Texas Collection but had a huge chip on my big toe and I ended up pulling it off minutes before we left for the lake last weekend so I had to find the darkest polish I could to cover it until I could fix it. I still haven't taken the time to fixit. Nail polish fail.
3. When you were growing up, how difficult was it for you to stay home from school sick? (As in, did you have to vomit or just say "I don't feel good".)I was the Queen of the "My Tummy Hurts" story. I don't know that it worked too well though - mamma saw through my BS from an early age. Typically if it didn't involve a fever, my bootay was at school. My best bet was to go to school, try to con the nurse into believing I was sick and getting sent home.
4. When is the last time you bought a new comforter for your bed?I know that it was in the last two years because it was since we moved back from Hays. I'm already on the hunt for a new one. I bought that one on clearance because I thought it matched our bedroom walls, but it really doesn't. It totally belongs in a teenage girl's room. I'm really on the lookout for a cream colored quilted coverlet with some dark green accents. Anyone know where I can find one?
5. Favorite website(s)?I will provide you with a bulleted list because that is the easiest way to do it:
- Facebook - I love me some FB
- Babycenter - Seriously, I attribute all of my parenting successes to things I learned from those women
- Twitter - It's slightly addicting. I mean, I know Ramona Singer's innermost thoughts...you can't BEAT that!
- textsfromlastnight.com - If you have not been to this site, you MUST GO. People text incredibly funny things while inhebriated.
There ya go, another 5QF down.
The weekend is almost here and I can't wait. If you need me - here's my agenda...
Zoo, Park, Lake, Park, Lake, Dinner, Movie, Bar, Lake, Pool, Pond, Home. And theeeeeeeeen I have to be at work at 5:30 in the A.M. on Tuesday. No rest for the weary!!! If you're luck I'll actually take pictures of some of these things and write an exciting post that actually includes current pictures, but don't get your hopes up. :)
I hope everyone enjoys their extended weekend - but don't forget the reason we have it. The only bad part about my busy weekend is that my husband's class reunion interferes with the time that I typically spend traveling through Northeast Kansas (and a little bit of MO) placing flowers by the headstones of my favorite war vets - my grandpas and my great uncle (as well as flowers for uncle, my grandma, and great aunt). Take the time to remember those you've loved and lost this weekend as well.!