Monday, November 22, 2010

Oh Christmas Card - Oh Christmas Card

Oh, the dreaded Christmas card. I have always been horrible about sending them out. Last year I was bound and determined to send one out since it was Hunter’s first Christmas. Never happened. I felt like I never got the ‘perfect picture’ of him to put on a card and I was up to my eyeballs in morning sickness so napping seemed more enjoyable than addressing envelopes. So here it is – a year later – and Hunter is now a big brother and I am bound and determined to get a card out to the masses donning the two most adorable boys this side of the Mason Dixon or the Mississippi or the Rockies or, to be honest – IN. THE. WORLD!

So, I set out to find the perfect Christmas card. I started with the usual big box suspects. Their backgrounds were boring, nothing unique and exciting. Nothing worth writing home about and certainly nothing worthy of displaying the beauty that is my children. (What? You’re tired of hearing how beautiful my babies are? Um, have you seen them?)

Enter Shutterfly. Ohmagoodness-they have some cute cards. Narrowing it down is not going to be easy. Then I found out about this offer and it was as though the stars aligned and bells started ringing and now, my friends, my little ol’ blog about little ol’ me and little ol’ Chad and the WORLD’s CUTEST BABIES is actually going to pay off with some great Holiday cards.

Their photo Christmas cards are adorable and the selection… man-oh-man I’m in photo card heaven. I’m sure you can tell by my ever changing blog header that I’m into the multi picture goodness and Shutterfly has tons of options that are just up my alley. You can check them all out here.

You will have to stay tuned to hear how our Christmas Card saga of 2010 turns out!

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