Thursday, May 21, 2009

Adult Interaction

I had the opportunity to go into the office and work today for the first time since November. It was so nice to actually spend my day with other adults. The department that I worked in is short staffed right now so my contract was extended through this month and I'm able to go to the office two days a week for the next month. I sure missed Hunto but it was sure nice to be out of the house.
I know that I'm going to have to go back to work I just don't like the idea of having to job hunt. I had at least four people stop me in the office and tell me how great it was to have me back. I just wish one of them would realize that if they really wanted me back full time all they would have to do is ask. I guess that is a lot easier said than done though.
Hunto spend the day with Grandma and Grandpa. Since school is out I am taking full advantage of my free daycare. When I got to their house tonight to pick the little guy up my dad was wheeling him around the house in an umbrella stroller. Apparently Hunto did not want to play alone so it was requiring constant attention. Dad has a sore shoulder (they say it's a farm injury, I say it's from too much golf) and had to call in reinforcements to keep Little Foot happy. It was so cute. They were just passing by the front door when I walked up and Hunto gave me the biggest smile. I swear he grew while I was at work. What's the first thing he did for Mommy when she got her hands on him? Puke straight down her chest! Awesomeness. Oh well...worth it.
The old folks must have worn Hunter out because he didn't even make it all the way though his nightime bottle before he started snoozing away. It was a good day. I missed my little booger but am excited that I get the opportunity to talk to someone not in a cartoon voice for another day!

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