We had decided that our best bet would be to send Hunter to daycare for the day. We dressed him in his new Big Bro t-shirt that we had made for him by Molly and away he went. We got to daycare around 8:30 and I hugged and kissed my little man goodbye. That sweet little booger had no idea what a big day it was for our family.
We were supposed to be at the hospital by 9am and since we had a few extra minutes we stopped by Walgreens to pick up some chapstick and two magazines to entertain me while I waited to go in for my section and then it was off to the hospital.
We were in admissions for probably 30 seconds before we saw what would become our first “bump.” It was like a scene out of a movie where a woman comes racing down the hall in a wheelchair being pushed by her husband and they are both panting and panicking. The woman was moaning. It was all so dramatic – and, because I’m twisted, I also found it comical. Turns out the woman was scheduled for repeat c-section the following week but her water had broken. This meant that her c-section would obviously take priority over mine. Before we finally made it into the OR, there would be another woman in a similar situation.
Triage was an interesting experience. We had a lovely nurse who shared stories of life raising two boys that made me want to rethink having boys. When it came time to put in my IV she informed me that she didn’t usually work in triage and hadn’t done IVs in awhile so she had called on the pros in IV therapy to come up and do the deed. Here is how that went:
IV Therapist One:
Stick 1 – Has trouble threading the IV and loses the vein.
Stick 2 - Blows the vein. Calls for a second IV Therapist.
IV Therapist Two:
Stick 3 – Blows the vein
Stick 4 – Blows the vein. Decides to call for a third IV Therapist.
IV Therapist Three:
Stick FIVE – Nails it. Pain free stick. This woman was a pro!!!
Thankfully all three of these nurses had fantastic personalities and I was never stressed about the situation and we were all able to actually joke about the process. Though I did wind up looking like a heroin addict before it was all said and done.
Finally it was time to get Chad suited up and get ready to go in for the procedure. It was so weird, but I never once got anxious about the whole deal. I could see anxiety in Chad’s face – especially once he was in his scrubs and it was time to go. I was just so excited to finally meet my little Bodester.
The procedure went really well. The spinal was really the most traumatic part – that freaking thing hurts! Soon enough Bodey was out and vocalizing his presence. It was such a wonderful and exciting moment though kind of a blur.
Chad and I decided to use recovery as a time for us to bond with our little addition before introducing him to the masses. It gave me an opportunity to nurse him for the first time and really just rest with our new bundle. This is also where Bodey had his first bath.
An hour or two later we were moved into our room. As we passed the waiting room we saw many smiles as all the grandparents as well as my sister and Bodey’s BIG BROTHER were all waiting to meet him.
Hunter’s introduction to Bodey went pretty well. Hunter didn’t really know what to think of the hospital and seeing mommy in a bed where he couldn’t crawl all over. He sat up on the bed with me for awhile but would try to climb on top of me and finally had to go back to walking around the room. That was probably the hardest part of the whole day for me – having to tell Hunter that I couldn’t hold him and cuddle him and watch him cry in response. Shortly after, my folks took Hunter home in an effort to keep him distracted. Chad’s parents left shortly after. My sister stuck around for awhile to make sure I was well taken care of. She truly was a saint through the whole thing and took amazing care of me.
Once Jen left it was just the three of us and we were able to reflect on what a great day it was.
Bodey Landon Gerhardt
Born: June 29th, 2010 @ 12:20pm
8lbs 7oz, 19.5 inches
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